Baby Teething Tips


Tikiri tips to help teething babies.

Babies' teeth begin to develop before they are born, but in most cases don't come through until they're between 6 and 12 months old. Most children have a full set of 20 milk or baby teeth by the time they're 3 years old. When they reach 5 or 6, these teeth will start to fall out, making way for adult teeth.

Signs that your baby is starting teething are normally

Chewing on objects
Irritability or crankiness
Sore or irritable gums

The two bottom front teeth (lower central incisors) are usually the first to appear, followed by the two top front teeth (upper central incisors).

Teething can be very uncomfortable for some babies and this also makes it an anxious time for new parents.

Here are some ways you can help comfort and soothe your baby during this process.

Teething toys, 😀are designed for teething, they have hard and soft areas that baby can chew on, this helps irritation. They can also be used as part of playtime.We offer a whole range of teething products they are BPA free and made from natural materials.

Rubbing your babies gums with a round circular motion for a few minutes has been shown to help.Use a clean finger or moistened gauze pad to rub your baby's gums. The pressure can help to ease your baby's discomfort

Keeping the gums nice and cool with A cold washcloth, or chilled (not frozen) teething ring can be soothing on a baby's gums, even an ice cube wrapped in a cloth can help if gently rubbed along the gums.

If your baby is eating solid foods, you might offer something edible for gnawing on such as a peeled and chilled cucumber or carrot. However keep a close eye on your baby, as any pieces that break off might pose a choking hazard.

Cuddle and play, who doesn’t like to be distracted from pain, so simply picking your baby up and getting their attention with a toy is a really good way to give some comfort, and distract them.

If teething wasn’t enough to worry about you also need to make sure that all that excessive drooling doesn’t cause any problems. To prevent skin irritation, keep a clean cloth handy to dry your baby's chin. Consider applying a moisturizer such as a water-based cream or lotion.

Teething can be an uncomfortable process, but at least it’s not as expensive as the tooth fairy fees when they start to fall out