Meiya & Alvin
Meiya and Alvin natural rubber and fabric toys for babies and toddlers.
The collection includes teething toys, teething rings, baby teething toys, baby teethers, baby rattles, soft toys for babies and activity books for children.

Holiday Alvin the Elephant in Red Dungaree
Rs 3,180.00 LKR

Meiya the Mouse - Organic Natural Rubber Squeaker Toy
Rs 2,190.00 LKR

Meiya the Mouse Holiday Stocking
Rs 1,710.00 LKR

Meiya the Mouse with White Muslin Outfit
Rs 3,180.00 LKR

Tag Along Pram Toys - Tara
Rs 1,790.00 LKR

Tara the Duck - Baby Musical Toy
Rs 3,170.00 LKR